Fiera Roma

Fiera Roma restarts with cooperation

Starting again with International Cooperation

After the long block of activities caused by the Covid19 pandemic, the autumn of the recovery of Fiera Roma sees one of its protagonists Codeway, the event dedicated to International Development Cooperation, which will take place in two stages: a virtual one from 1st to 3rd December 2021 and a physical one, at the pavilions of the Capitoline fair, from 18 to 20 May 2022. Codeway takes up the baton of Exco2019, it will be the meeting and comparison point between public entities, NGOs and companies, a place and a platform where they can meet, discuss and reflect, an opportunity to face crucial challenges with a truly overall vision.

Codeway 2021 Digital Edition, the digital appointment in December, will be the ideal premise for the 2022 edition: it will launch themes, programs, projects and contests that will be crowned in the following May. It will offer a Virtual Exhibition Area (with stands, video meeting, AV), a Conference Area (Plenary Program and Focus Event), a Projects Area (Consulting, financing, partnership) and some Business to Development Areas: Topic Tables, B2B, B2C, B2G. Among the topics that will be highlighted, the 2030 Agenda and the new paradigms of International Cooperation stand out (with particular attention to the new EU Budget 2021-2027 which, among the various measures, endows the Neighborhood Instrument with 79.5 billion euros and international cooperation and development), the theme of ecological transition (with particular reference to renewable energy and the circular economy) or the theme of digitization. The event will then return to may 2022 in his presentation of traditional event with the presence of exhibitors, attendees and the public.

Codeway takes up the baton of Exco2019 and starts again with the strength of important patronages starting with that of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Maeci), of the Conference of the Regions, of the Association of italian municipalities (Anci), of theICE - The Italian Trade Agency, but also of the third sector world (Asvis and Cini) and the business world (Cna, Confartigianato).
“The patronage of the Farnesina at the next edition of CODEWAY - she comments Marina Sereni, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - testifies to the support we will give to a fair dedicated to the role of the private sector in development cooperation. This double event can be an important moment of meeting and collaboration between all the public, profit and non-profit actors of the cooperation system ".

With its two appointments, the event aims to create a virtuous path towards sustainability and growth, tracing the new roadmap for sustainable companies in development cooperation. An even more important objective in light of some trends observed during the pandemic: "Covid, in many countries of the world, has at times fueled phases of a growing 'nationalist sentiment' which in some moments seemed to even threaten the very sense of international cooperation. The virus has prompted someone to think about building walls both in the economic and political and cultural fields. But the pandemic itself has actually shown us how we live in an increasingly interdependent and connected world, and in which, as now everyone seems to recognize 'no one is saved alone'. We should all have understood that the process of global and sustainable growth, both from a social and environmental point of view, is inevitable because it is useful "he explains Wladimiro Boccali, coordinator of Codeway. According to Boccali, development aid should no longer be seen as a "work of beautiful souls" but as a "new model of global development".

“Development cooperation - he adds Pietro Piccinetti, General Manager of Fiera Roma - has witnessed various changes in recent years. What was once only a bilateral framework between traditional actors and stakeholders now incorporates, together with civil society and multilateral institutions, the decisive involvement of private actors. Only truly shared, profit and sustainable cooperation can be the way to create jobs in emerging countries. This is also achieved by offering new areas of action to these countries: the latter become - at the same time - beneficiaries and engines of sustainable development that sees them increasingly protagonists ". Codeway 2021/2022 intends to strongly relaunch these concepts, inserting the event in the wake of the new law on Cooperation (Law 125) and focusing in particular on the need to create synergies between the actors of cooperation, with particular attention to the role of profit enterprise.

“A trade fair dedicated to international development cooperation - underlines Lorenzo Tagliavanti, President of the Rome-Lazio Chamber of Commerce - is strategic to support Italian companies interested in inaugurating or increasing their presence on international markets. In a context in which the private profit sector is destined to play an increasingly central and decisive role in international cooperation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, an appointment like Codeway, which brings companies, NGOs and public entities into dialogue with an important support from the institutions, it represents an ideal showcase. The 2030 Agenda defines trade as the "engine for inclusive economic growth" and asks private entrepreneurs to employ "creativity and innovation in order to find a solution to the challenges of sustainable development": with Codeway we want to offer support to achieve these high goals ".