Piano Mattei: casi di successi da scalare e criticità da risolvere. Un dialogo tra istituzioni, società civile e settore privato.Presented by AVSI10:00 - 11:30 | Codeway Plenary
For decades, Italy has been realizing short-, medium and long-term projects and programs to promote development in Africa. These projects work as long as they are based on an equal partnership and carried out with a multistakeholder approach. It is from these success cases we need to start to successfully implement the Mattei Plan. To do so, we have to operate along two lines: on the one hand, we need to analyze the elements of success that characterize these projects, to verify if it is possible to scale or replicate them in other contexts and proportions. On the other hand, we must identify what the critical issues and objective difficulties are, to try and find concrete innovative solutions.For this reason, the event organized by AVSI at Codeway is divided into three parts. The first one will present several success cases in different areas, followed by a commentary of the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in a discussion that that will help understand what lessons can be learned from the field. The second panel focuses on the Italian Climate Fund as an emblematic example of significant funds to be enhanced. The third part invites institutional representatives to discuss what emerged from the previous panels, to conclude the event with new proposals and operative solutions.Welcome greetingsStefano Gatti, Director DGCS Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International CooperationSuccess cases to studyEducation, with Bamba Lassiné, Côte d’Ivoire Country Representative, Fondazione AVSIEnergy, with Luca Traini, South-Saharan Africa Area and Access to Energy Program Director, Res4AfricaAgriculture, with Dario De Nicola, Project Office, CEFARefugees, with Chiara Cardoletti, UNHCR representative for Italy, the Vatican and San MarinoProspects for the Italian Cooperation, with Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director, AICSModerated by Maria Laura Conte, Head of Strategic Communication and Advocacy, AVSIResources to be valorised: the Italian Climate FundPaolo Lombardo, Director International Cooperation and Finance for Sviluppo, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)Francesco Corvaro, Inviato Speciale per il Cambiamento climatico (online)Rita Ricciardi, Structured Finance Specialist, Bergs&More, NairobiModerated by Alessandro Galimberti, Head of Climate Change, Energy and Environment Unit, AVSIA dialogue among Italian, European and African institutions:Jacqueline Lydia Mykolo, Minister SMEs and Handicraft Enterprises, Republic of the Congo (online) Repubblica del Congo (online)Mariatou Koné, Ministra dell’Educazione Nazionale e dell’Alfabetizzazione, Costa D’Avorio (online)Laura Atienza Urcelay, Head of Sector, DG INTPA, European Commission*Moses Uyang, Community Engagements Lead, Office of the African Union Chairperson’s Youth EnvoyFabio Massimo Ballerini, Sub-Saharan Africa Advisor, Office of the Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the Council of Ministers, ItalyModerates: Giampaolo Silvestri, Secretary General, AVSI
The New Era of Industrial Policy: Insights from UNIDO’s Industrial Development Report 2024Presented by UNIDO12:00 - 13:00 | Codeway Plenary
Carolina Nizza, ModeratorDiana Battaggia, Head of UNIDO ITPO ItalyCristiano Pasini, Director of the Division of Capacity Development, Industrial Policy Advice and Statistics at UNIDOGiulio Tremonti, President of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Aspen Institute ItaliaMarco Taisch, Scientific Chairman at World Manufacturing Foundation and Professor at Politecnico di MilanoAnna Cinzia Bonfrisco, Member of the European ParliamentStefano Gatti, Director General of Development Cooperation at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
The Global Gateway, the new cooperation of the European Union.14:30 - 15:30 | Codeway Plenary
The Global Gateway is the “new European strategy to promote smart, clean and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems around the world”. The European Commission and the EU High Representative launched it in 2021.The Global Gateway aims to mobilize up to €300 billion of investments through the Team Europe approach, bringing together the EU, its Member States and their financial and development institutions. It aims for transformative impact in the digital, climate, energy, transportation, healthcare, education and research sectors. The focus is on smart investments in quality infrastructure, respecting the highest social and environmental standards, in line with EU interests and values: rule of law, human rights and the respect of international norms and standards.During the meeting, information will be provided on strategies, sectors and priority areas, and on how companies can interact with institutions to expand their knowledge on the Global Gateway for Africa and on the tools available.Introduces and moderates Massimo Zaurrini, InternationaliaLuca Pierantoni, Head of the Political Sector at the Representation in Italy of the European CommissionLooking at the heart of Global GatewayNicola Todaro Marescotti, Global Gateway Coordinator of Maeci*Global Gateway seen from ItalyAlessio Cerini, Sales Manager PMIMaddalena Procopio, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)Global Gateway political reasons in a complex contextGabriella Severi, Senior external relations SimestEugenio Bettella, Bergs & MoreThe Global Gateway seen from AfricaDaniela Rossi, Innovation and Environment Dept Gruppo Italiano Costruzioni e InfrastruttureExperiences gained and contribution to the Global GatewayQ&A
E4Impact Accelerator: an AICS initiative where African innovators meets the best of Italian businesses.Presented by E4Impact15:30 - 16:30 | Codeway Plenary
Participations:Frank Cinque, General Manager, E4Impact FoundationFrancesca Laschiazza, Ufficio 3 "Opportunità a Sviluppo Economico", The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICSEvan Kimani Gichuche, Founder, ADILI SOLAR HUBS (Kenya)John Irungu Ndibui, CEO, NAWASSCOAL Company (Kenya) Marco Locati, Business Development Africa , E4Impact Foundation
Enterprises and NGOs within a new cooperation.Presented by FOCSIV16:30 - 18:00 | Codeway Plenary
Welcome and greetingsWladimiro Boccali, General Coordinator, Codeway ExpoParticipations:Nino Santomartino, FOCSIVAlice Fanti, CEFAPaolo Naggar, COMICarlo Ruspantini, Cooperazione e SviluppoGiuseppe Rotunno, CCCA, Connecting Committee, Catholics for the ''Civilità dell'Amore''Conclusions:Giuseppe RotunnoMassimo Zaurrini, InternationaliaView the Presentation
The future belongs to young people: the public-private partnerships favouring young and female entrepreneurship in AfricaPresented by CIHEAM Bari10:00 - 12:00 | Innovation Arena
KEYNOTECIHEAM BariPublic/private partnerships for a deeper on youth empowerment and enterprises innovation processesINTRODUCTORY SHORT TALKSGeorge William Masengere, EAEA UgandaInteraction of local business system and incubatorsErinda Lika, Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania)University and technological transfer to support the entrepreneurial skills of young peopleOsama Makki, JEDCO (Giordania) e Senda Hafsi APIA (Tunisia)The role of public entrepreneurship support agenciesFadi Khoneisser, BERYTECH, LibanoBusiness incubation models and servicesROUND TABLE:Moderated by Biagio Di Terlizzi, Deputy Director CIHEAM Bari Letizia Pizzi, Confindustria Assafrica e MediterraneoInternational partnerships between enterprisesILLY-Lavazza-AndrianiThe Italian profit systemMartina De Sole, ENOLLMulti-actor participatory approachesICE - The Italian Trade AgencyInstitutions for technology transferLucia Marchegiani, Università Roma TreThe support from Italian cooperation for entrepreneurship developmentGiorgio Masotti, CDPThe financial support system for enterpriseCONCLUSIONSRoberto Mengoni, Capo Ufficio IV DGCS/MAECI-Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
The European Union cooperation in Latin America: the role of IILAOrganized by IILA12:00 - 13:00 | Innovation Arena
Lorenzo Tordelli, UE Cooperation Service ManagerAndrea Monaco, Social and Environment UE programs ManagerClaudia Gatti, Security and Justice UE programs Manager
The Italy funded cooperation projects of IILAOrganized by IILA14:30 - 16:00 | Innovation Arena
E4Impact African University Alliance: un network che forma imprenditori in 20 paesi Africani.Presented by E4Impact10:00 - 10:30 | Project Hub
Twinning partnership for empowering Lebanese SMEs in the winery industryPresented by UNIDO ITPO Italy and Friuli Venezia Giulia Region10:30 - 11:00 | Project Hub
NaCLO 30 and NaCLO Station: delivering hygiene and disinfection anywherePresented by MEDIVAC11:00 - 11:15 | Project Hub
Carlotta Valesi, Marketing Manager - NaCLo by Medivac srl SBBruno Antonio Pampaloni, External Relations and Press Office - NaCLO by Medivac Srl SB
The new cooperation with African States and alternative methods of resolving disputes.Presented by AIA12:00 - 13:30 | Project Hub
Investments in local context:Ambassador Paolo Sannella, President of AIA Ispramed ProjectMassimo Zaurrini, Director Africa e AffariRoberto Isibor, Hogan LovellsOn alternative tools for resolving disputes:Andrea Carlevaris, President AIAMaria Beatrice Deli, General Secretary AIADr. Rocco Palma, Senior Legal Officer, UNIDROITThe training project proposed by AIA:Andrea Carlevaris, President AIAAmbassador Paolo Sannella, President of AIA Ispramed ProjectMaria Beatrice Deli, General Secretary AIAMatteo Bordoni, Coordinator AIA Ispramed ProjectA talk session with African Ambassadors and interested operators in AIA training programme follows
Bridging skills gap for Sustainable Ecological and Digital transition.Presented by Tor Vergata University - Master MESCI15:00 - 15:30 | Project Hub
Prof. Leonardo BecchettiProf. Paolo Paesani*Ms. Olga Raduchych
Africa, The Mattei Plan: shared development for SMEsPresented by CONFARTIGIANATO15:30 - 17:00 | Project Hub
SMEs and their role in the new Mattei Plan for Africa:Giacinto Giambellini, President Confartigianato Imprese BergamoInstitutional interventions and presentation of Mattei Plan guidelines:Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant’AgataSen. BartolomeoAmideiMarco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency for Cooperation, Director General of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) allo Sviluppo (AICS)Giovanni Nicola Pes, Vice General Secretary of Ente Nazionale per il Micro CreditoMattei Plan: geopolitical challenges and development dynamics:Alessandro Ricci, Associate Professor of Political Geography, University of BergamoThe fundamental role of the diaspora:Anna Cometti, Representative of Comunità EritreaProfessional training:Dott. Giuseppe Nardiello, President of ITS Academy Nuove Tecnologie della VitaBusiness experiences:Pietro Zambaiti, ZaerBernadetta Cannas, Associazione Nazionale Comunità Sociali e Sportive - ANCOS
A Brighter Future: the Migration and Development connectionPresented by LINK 200711:00 - 12:30 | Cooperation Room - First Floor
Opens and moderates:Roberto Ridolfi, President of LINK 2007Presentation of the A Brighter Future Program:Sandro De Luca, CISP DirectorSpeakers:Stefano Gatti, Direttore Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, DGCSFederico Eichberg, Head of Cabinet of the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, MIMITLuigi Vignali, Director General for Italians Abroad and Migration Policies, DGITLaurence Hart, IOM Director, Coordination Office for the MediterraneanMarco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency for Cooperation, AICS DirectorLetizia Pizzi, General Director Confindustria Assafrica & MediterraneoJean-Léonard Touadi, Professor of geography of development in Africa at the Sapienza University of RomeBertrand Mani Ndongbou, President CIDCI*Annachiara Moltoni, ELIS NGO DirectorQ&A
UNIDROIT instruments for the SDGs.Presented by UNIDROIT11:00 - 12:00 | STAND AICS
Introduces and moderates Prof. Anna Veneziano, Deputy Secretary-General, UNIDROITDr. Giulia Previti, Legal Officer, UNIDROITVerified Carbon Credits (VCC) as a tool for transition: the UNIDROIT VCC projectDr. Philine Wehling, Legal Officer UNIDROITDue Diligence in the Global Supply Chain: a new UNIDROIT projectDr. Rocco Palma, Senior Legal Officer, UNIDROITInvestment contracts and sustainability: the ICC Institute/UNIDROIT ICC Project
Healthcare, Cooperation and ResearchPresented by Lazio Region11:30 - 13:30 | STAND CONFERENZA DELLE REGIONI
The Projects of the Italian Regions for Africa: opportunities and prospectsPresented by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region15:30 - 18:00 | STAND CONFERENZA DELLE REGIONI