Massimo Scacchia

ERFAN Enhancing Research For Africa Network

Massimo Scacchia, Veterinarian. Employee, since January 1990, of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Abruzzo and Molise "G. Caporale" of Teramo (IZSAM). In IZSAM he held the roles of Head of the Department of Diagnostic Microbiology, Anatomo-Histopathology, Parasitology and Mycology from 1998 to 2006 and Head of the Animal Health Laboratory from November 2006 to June 2018. He is an international expert of the World Health Organization Animal - OIE for Contagious Pleuro-pneumonia, a very serious disease that afflicts cattle on the African continent and was an OIE expert for Brucellosis from 2006 to 2017. He started his activity in Africa in the 90s carrying out, as a volunteer, missions to NGOs operating in Uganda, Tanzania and Algeria. These missions were intended to set up small veterinary diagnostic laboratories in remote areas of the aforementioned countries. The existence, at the IZSAM, of the National Center for Exotic Diseases, that is, of those animal diseases not present on the Italian territory, but endemic in Africa, has led Massimo Scacchia to carry out numerous missions in numerous African countries in order to study these exotic diseases. The knowledge of a disease "in the field" allows a greater efficacy of the diagnostic processes and therefore a more rapid diagnosis. In 2006 he was called to carry out a period of 6 months of training for Namibian colleagues, in the field of pathological anatomy, at the Central Veterinary Laboratory of Windhoek, Namibia. From 2007 to 2009 he held the position of Director of the Central Veterinary Laboratory of Windhoek, Namibia. Over the years, for work reasons, Scacchia has visited 20 African countries gaining professional experience in the diagnosis of exotic diseases. Currently, as Secretariat, he coordinates in network Enouncing Research for Africa Network (ERFAN) compost from 34 veterinary institutions, of which 28 are African belonging to 17 different countries of the continent. The network, funded by the World Organization for Animal Health - OIE, has as its objectives the improvement of diagnostic performance, technical training and innovation and scientific research. The loan to carry out this activity has a duration of four years. He has published more than one hundred scientific publications in the veterinary field.
