Giovanni Da Pozzo

President of Promos Italia

Giovanni Da Pozzo, born in Tolmezzo in 1955, has a degree in economics and commerce from the University of Padua. Entrepreneur in the clothing sector and manager. Since 2018 he has been president of Promos Italia - National Agency of the Chamber System for the Internationalization of Enterprises. Since 2020 he is vice president of Confcommercio. He also holds the position of president of the Pordenone-Udine Chamber of Commerce; of Innexta scrl; of Confcommercio Udine and Confcommercio FVG; member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Fin.Promo.Ter. s.c.p.a. - Finance for the promotion of the tertiary sector. From 2015 to 2018 he held the position of vice president of Unioncamere. Former Vice President also of AECM - Association of guarantee companies in Europe and Member of the Consultation Body (Steering Group) of the OECD Center in Trento - Program on Local Economic and Employment Development (Committee Leed - regional area development plans).
